Very often in your projects, you want to pull out the author data, given a post id. It is very easy do it in wordpress.
It can be accomplished by the_author_meta() function or get_the_author_meta() function.You will need call this function in your theme or plugin, through a hook
the_author_meta() –> Outputs the data, just like echo
get_the_author_meta() -> holds the value in value.
The below function, retreives user details like…
function author_details($post_ID) {
$auth = get_post($post_ID); // gets author from post
$authid = $auth->post_author; // gets author id for the post
$user_email = get_the_author_meta(‘user_email’,$authid); // retrieve user email
$user_firstname = get_the_author_meta(‘user_firstname’,$authid); // retrieve firstname
$user_nickname = get_the_author_meta(‘nickname,$authid); // retrieve user nickname
The following list of user fields you can retrieve using this function.
- user_login
- user_pass
- user_nicename
- user_email
- user_url
- user_registered
- user_activation_key
- user_status
- display_name
- nickname
- first_name
- last_name
- description
- jabber
- aim
- yim
- user_level
- user_firstname
- user_lastname
- user_description
- rich_editing
- comment_shortcuts
- admin_color
- plugins_per_page
- plugins_last_view
- ID
For full reference, please see: