If you are looking to remove certain words from a file1 with list of stopwords from file2 (one per line), use this perl script in the command line.
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w # usage: script.pl words text >newfile use English; # poor man's argument handler open(WORDS, shift @ARGV) || die "failed to open words file: $!"; open(REPLACE, shift @ARGV) || die "failed to open replacement file: $!"; my @words; # get all words into an array while ($_=<WORDS>) { chop; # strip eol push @words, split; # break up words on line } # (optional) # sort by length (makes sure smaller words don't trump bigger ones); ie, "then" vs "the" @words=sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @words; # slurp text file into one variable. undef $RS; $text = <REPLACE>; # now for each word, do a global search-and-replace; make sure only words are replaced; remove possible following space. foreach $word (@words) { $text =~ s/\b\Q$word\E\b\s?//sg; } # output "fixed" text print $text;
You can use like this
./remove.pl stopwords.txt data.txt > data.cleaned
You can use these commonly used stopwords
a and the he she it but ..