10 Best WordPress PLUGINS You Never want to MISS!

10 Best WordPress Plugins you never want to miss out! I have compiled the much
needed and most important plugins for your wordpress blog. It is essential to
install these plugins for every wordpress blogger!

1. Akismet Anti-Spam

Countering spam is the first step be done for any new wordpress blog. Spam
in the form of comments are intolerable in WordPress and most blogs are subjected
to hundreds if not thousands of SPAM comments everyday. To counter it install
Akismet plugin.


Download: Akismet Plugin

Akismet is free for personal use. It also requires a wordpress API ke. Just
register in wordpress site and you will see the key displayed in my
account profile.

2. Adman – Plugin for Adsense Ads

You will need to monetize your blog to get some revenue for your hardwork.
This plugin shows adsense adsens in front and middle of your posts. It can be
installed without any effort.


Download: Adman

3. Social Bookmarking Plugin

A. Sociable

Sociable or ShareThis are the best plugins to display social bookmarking icons
in your wordpress blog


Download: Sociable

B. Addthis WordPress Plugin

Bookmark and Share

Download: Addthis Plugin

4. Syntax Highlighter Plugin

If you are a programmer or web designer and want to put code (like PHP, HTML,
Javascript) in your blog then you will need to install Syntax Highlighter plugin
for wordpress. It supports many many programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP,
SQL, Javascript and many more..


Download: Syntax-Highlighter

5. WP-PostRatings – Ratings Plugin

You might want to put star ratings for your blog posts so that visitors can
rate and vote for your article. Amazingly, the WP-PostRatings is lightweight
and javascript based plugin can be plugged into wordpress blog posts. It does
the job without refreshing the entire page.


Download: WP-Ratings

6. Google XML Sitemap Generator Plugin

Google and Yahoo love sitemaps in text or XML format, so that they can index
newly published content quickly. You can generate XML sitemaps with this plugin,
easily without any effort.


Download: Sitemap Generator Plugin

7. WP-PageNavi – WordPress Paging Plugin

WordPress blog posts with just Previous and Next wont do any good for your
visitors or search engines. You want to consider paging for your archives and
category posts, so that it would be easy to navigate and go through all your
posts. WP-PageNavi is a good plugin to show paging with different skins.


Download: WP-PageNavi

8. WP-Print

WordPress doesnt come with print this post option and you might want to consider
adding a printable version of your blog post is a good way to go if you have
many subscribers and they might want to print your article and read later on.


Download: WP-Print

9. Digg for WordPress Posts


Why not use digg in your posts? so that your readers could directly digg it.

Get the code from Digg.com
and paste that code in the in your wordpress theme files. Its easy to integrate
digg button in your wordpress blog post and here is how to do it.

To show digg submit when your visitors view full blog post, do the following…

Open Theme Editor
WordPress > Presentation > Theme Editor > Single Post

Find this code

<?php the_content('<p>Continue reading this post</p>'); ?>

Above this paste

<div style="float:left;">[digg code here]</div>

Note: If you want to get the current blog post URL, use this code
[sourcecode language=’php’]

ID ); ?>


10. All in One SEO Pack (SEO Plugin)

Finally, do some search engine optimization work. It is so important to get
organic traffic from search engines and titles are so important.

Download: SEO Pack Plugin

Enjoy WordPress! Digg me PLEASE!