Dominica is currently the cheapest citizenship by investment program in the Caribbean, currently costing just $100,000 to obtain a passport.
As of 1 Aug 2016, Dominica passport will only cost $100,000 under the donation option. There will no change of price according to the latest updates by Prime Minister of Dominica. Dominica has signed visa waiver agreements with UK, Schengen area and other 100 countries, increasing the value of Dominica passport.

Under the new pricing scheme
Single Applicant: from $100,000
Applicant + Spouse: from $175,000
Applicant + Spouse + 2 Children below 18 years: from $200,000
Additional dependents: $50,000 per dependent (no changes)
No change of fees proposed under the real estate option, which requires minimum $200,000 real estate investment.
Dominica passport is ranked 5th among the CARICOM nations running Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs such as St Kitts and Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Grenada. Dominica passport visa-free travel to over 90 countries. Residency requirements are waived under the passport program and the processing time takes about 12 months. There is the compulsory requirement for all applicants to personally visit Dominica to take Oath of Allegiance.
Dominican passports are valid for up to 10 years and for children under 16 years old are issued with 5 year validity.
We have assisted several clients with Dominica passport. Please contact us for more information.