If you are running Centos 7 or earlier version, installing php extensions using command line can come in handy. This way you dont need to use EasyApache and select extensions.

Iconv and Curl

 pear channel-update pear.php.net
 yum install ea-php73-php-iconv -y
 yum install ea-php72-php-iconv -y
 yum install ea-php72-php-curl -y


yum install ea-php72-opcache
 yum install ea-php-opcache
 yum install php-opcache

GD Library

Needed by wordpress to optimize images when you upload images

yum install php php-common php-cli php-gd php72-gd


yum install php7-mysql

Important extensions

Other important extensions you might need

bcmath hash mime_magic Reflection wddx
calendar iconv mssql session xml
ctype imagick* mysql SimpleXML xmlreader
curl imap mysqli soap xmlrpc
date ionCube Loader openssl sockets xmlwrite
dom json pcre SourceGuardian xsl
exif* libxml PDO SPL zip
filter magickwand* pdo_mysql SQLite zlib
ftp mbstring pdo_sqlite standard
gd mcrypt posix tidy
gettext mhash pspell tokenizer

*The modules exif, imagick, and magickwand are currently only available on Linux servers.